The Changemaker initiative is a network of businesses seeking to make a positive environmental impact in Jamaica through the channeling of financial resources to the National Conservation Trust Fund of Jamaica (NCTFJ) to support the sustainable management and use of protected areas in Jamaica.

Importance of  Changemakers:

– Decreases Funding Shortfall: There is an annual funding shortfall for protected areas management. With ad hoc international financial assistance and low/no subventions from the government, there is need for additional financing for management activities. 

– Consistent Funding Mechanism: Changemaker is a sustainable funding mechanism. It will provide consistent financial support through its annual membership fee to complement existing resources and narrow the funding gap.

Benefits of becoming a changemaker

Marketing Opportunities

Changemakers members are provided with a logo for use on their website, email signature and other communication mediums.

Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Credibility

Businesses are increasingly being held accountable for their impact on their society and environment, especially those operating in an international context. Being a Changemaker contributes positively to your company's CSR/ESG initiatives and image.

Member Spotlight

Raise your profile as an environmentally conscious business via a member’s spotlight on our social media platforms, traditional media and our website.

Membership Experiences

Unparalleled access to membership activities which include environmental projects and networking events to bring together like-minded businesses and leaders in the environmental sphere.

Changemaker Member Tiers

Make a difference that can transcend generations to come. We value the commitment of all our Changemakers, new and existing. See our Changemakers tiers and what your change can do.

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© 2018 National Conservation Trust Fund of Jamaica

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