Call For Proposals

The National Conservation Trust Fund of Jamaica (NCTFJ) was incorporated in 2014 as a not for profit company and a locally registered charity. The NCTFJ’s goal is to promote, for the benefit of the public, the conservation, protection, management and expansion of the National Protected Areas System (NPAS) in Jamaica, by providing a sustainable flow of funds to support activities such as enforcement, infrastructure, monitoring needs and other activities that contribute substantially to the conservation, protection and maintenance of biodiversity. Funding by NCTFJ is independent and complements existing funding for effective management of protected areas (PAs) any other area of environmental significance.

Photo credit: Joey Markx and the International Iguana Foundation

Application Ends: March 7, 2025 @ 5:00 PM

Join our information session to get more information about this Call for Proposals. Click here to register

Call for Proposals

The National Conservation Trust Fund of Jamaica (NCTFJ) is a grant-making entity established to fund
activities that are related to the conservation and management of a protected area or areas of
environmental significance. The NCTFJ funds activities that contribute to the long-term sustainability of
Jamaica’s National Protected Areas System.

The NCTFJ launched its inaugural Call for Proposals in 2020 to provide grant funding to support eligible
applicants working in Jamaica to conserve, protect and manage protected areas. The NCTFJ has recently
mobilised additional resources from the Inter-American Foundation and will be expanding its Grant-
making portfolio to scale the impacts of grants in protected areas. The NCTFJ, through its Call for
Proposals, is seeking to fund environmentally based, community development projects that will
strengthen and promote community development in Jamaica.

Thematic focus of this Call for Proposal

Improved management and protection of protected areas:

This can include measures that reduce physical damage to, and pressures on, ecosystems; activities that mitigate degradation and loss of natural capital and ecosystem services; address sustainable habitat management; monitoring and surveillance activities that ensure compliance with PA management plans; equipment and tools for implementing PA management activities; improving data and information sharing for PAs; strengthened participation and capacity development of stakeholders to implement management activities.

Restoration and rehabilitation of ecosystems for economic and ecological benefits:

This can include the restoration of degraded ecosystems through nursery management and seedling out-planting operations; activities that will create conditions required for successful restoration, which may include, but are not limited to, the removal of invasive species and changes in hydrology; establishing coral refugia as rescue centres and nursery systems; ex situ culture and restocking for ecosystem rehabilitation; and alternative livelihoods/development of sustainable business enterprises that contribute to habitat restoration /rehabilitation. These may include, but not limited to agriculture, apiculture, value added products and eco-tourism.

The NCTFJ will support programmes and projects ranging from JM$ 500,000 to JM$ 5,000,000. Programmes and projects should be at least 12 months in duration and not exceed 36 months in duration.

Who can apply?

Local CBOs such as community associations or community bodies that are consistent with the purposes of the grant. Local community associations or community bodies must be established and registered in Jamaica for at least one (1) year prior to the application date for the Call for Proposals.

Private sector entities from industries involved in PA conservation, protection,/or monitoring, consistent with the purposes of the grant. Additionally, the organization should be established in Jamaica for at least one (1) year prior to the application date for the Call for Proposals.

Local NGOs that have continuously maintained operations, for at least one (1) year prior to the application date for the Call for Proposals, with active PA management operations in Jamaica consistent with the purposes of the grant.

Other registered organizations continuously maintained for at least one (1) year prior to the application date for the Call for Proposals with active operations in Jamaica aligned with the purposes of the grant.

Public sector agencies directly involved in the management of PAs.

*Successful applicants will be required to submit quarterly reports (narrative and financial) and a final report (narrative and financial) at the end of the project.

Processing of Concept Notes

Applicants will be informed on the status of proposals at the end of this process.

Applicant organizations must fully complete the concept note template available for download at the NCTFJ’s website. The concept note template has instructions on what is expected from the projects.

Applicants must submit the completed concept note template and other required documents to the Programme Officer of the National Conservation Trust Fund of Jamaica either via email at and copied to, or delivered by hand or by registered mail at Suite#5, 70 Half Way Tree Road, Kingston 10, no later than 5:00 p.m (local time) on June 18, 2024. Applications that exceed the page limit and Annex limit will be rejected. Proposals received outside of this designated period, or outside of the criteria above will not be considered.

Applicants may submit questions to NCTFJ up to June 10, 2024 for this Call for Proposals. Questions must be submitted through the following email: Questions received and the answers provided will be published on the NCTFJs website at

Join our information session to get more information about this Call for Proposals. Click here to register

Interested organizations can benefit from our proposal writing & project development workshops. Click here to register


“No, please see the list of protected areas in our resources.”

No, please see the list of protected areas in our resources.

Response: This is asking for the information/current data you have on the indicator that you have identified to be used to judge your results.

Eg. An indicator for a mangrove restoration project could be Area of Mangrove restored/protected through the project and the current value of this indicator – 0.25 hectares of mangroves at the project site based on an assessment carried out in 2013 (this is the information of the current status/state of the indicator. The date of this information should be included- based on reports, etc ).

In some cases, the current value of indicators may not exist and the project presented may seek to collect a baseline of the indicator.


Grant-Making Manual

Consists of the grant making guidelines and procedures
to assist eligible organisations in identifying and formulating good quality programmes and
projects for implementation.

Concept Note Template

The Concept Note is part of a 2-step application process. If the Concept Note is approved, the applicant will be requested to submit a full proposal.

List of Protected Areas

Extract from Protected Areas System Master Plan 2013-2017

Evaluation Scoring Sheet

The evaluation scoring sheet for Concept Notes (CN) should be completed for all CN received. All CN received will be given a control number by the NCTFJ Manager.

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