Improving Livelihood Protection and Resilience of the Orange Bay SFCA

Project Aims

  • To have 100% of the fisherfolk trained in the monitoring of the Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs).
  • To have 30 demarcation buoys purchased and installed along the boundary of the Orange Bay Fishery Conservation Area. 
  • To construct and deploy 3 Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs).
  • To construct and deploy 30 eco anchors.

Project Outcomes

  • Boundary of the Orange Bay Special Fishery Conservation Area have been fully demarcated with 45 demarcation buoys.
  • One of three FADs have been constructed and deployed.
  • 100% of the targeted 23 fisherfolk have been trained in the monitoring of the FADs equipment. 

Posted on

May 9, 2024

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