Project Aims

  • To document the communities’ perception on marine pollution in their environment.
  • To train and certify seven SFCAs staff and seven (7) youths in water quality collection and chemical analyses.
  • Map the physical locations of pollution point sources according to communities.
  • Provide an alternate source of income for seven SFCA staff and seven youths.

Project Outcomes

  • Samples have been collected from 48 sites.
  • Twelve (12) months of water samples from the 7 key locations (48 sites) have been collected and analyzed and currently at least one (1) point source of pollution has been identified for each SFCA.
  • Fourteen (14) SFCA staff and youths have already been trained and certified in water sampling.
  • 100% of participants are receiving a stipend for their assistance with the water quality monitoring and testing efforts.

Special Fishery Conservation Areas and Sample Points

Orange Bay

  • Half Moon
  • Orange Bay Coral Nursery
  • Fishermans Beach
  • Orange Bay sign
  • North Negril River
  • Country Club
  • Pelican Key

Bogue Islands

  • Entrance of Lagoon
  • Bird Island
  • Center of Lagoon
  • House Boat
  • Call Centre

Montego Bay SFCA

  • Montego Point
  • Sandals Carlisle
  • Doctor’s Cave
  • Shim Site
  • Aqua Sol

White River

  • Hermosa
  • Pineapple
  • Sandals
  • Jamaica Inn
  • White River Mouth
  • Couples
  • Prospect

Oracabessa Bay

  • Gibraltor
  • Pond
  • Jack’s River
  • Gully
  • Harbour
  • Oracabessa Coral Nursery
  • Golden Eye
  • Clouds

Sandals Boscobel

  • Tokie
  • Moxon Reef
  • Marley Place
  • Evette’s
  • Neptune
  • Bosocbel Coral Nursery
  • Airport Point

East Portland

  • Anchovy
  • Turtle Crawle
  • Cold Harbour
  • Drapers
  • Pellow Island
  • San San
  • Blue Lagoon