Who We Are

Our History

The Government of Jamaica, through its environment and cultural agencies, has identified 350 geographically-defined zones or National Protected Areas (NPAs), as the centrepiece of a comprehensive Protected Areas System Master Plan (PASMP).

The PASMP sets out guidelines for establishing and managing a comprehensive network of Protected Areas which contributes to the country’s long-term ecological viability, helps maintain essential ecological processes, and protects the country’s national and cultural heritage. A central purpose of the PASMP is to ensure that Protected Areas are effectively managed and sustainably financed.

In 2010, the government of Jamaica received financial support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to undertake a project to strengthen the operational and financial sustainability of Jamaica’s Protected Areas System. One of the major outcomes of this project was the creation of the National Conservation Trust of Jamaica (NCTFJ) in 2014.

The NCTFJ was established as a not-for-profit NGO to source and provide sustainable funding for Protected Areas in Jamaica. It is designed to be the primary source of financial support for Jamaica’s Protected Areas System, in collaboration with government and non-government partners.

Our focus is on filling the funding gap that currently exists in the National Protected Areas System.

The Funding Gap


With varying economic and fiscal limitations as well as competing priorities for government spending, Jamaica is challenged to adequately provide the financial and resource infrastructure to effectively manage its Protected Areas.


Jamaica’s National Protected Areas System requires US$8.4 million per annum for basic Protected Areas management. Currently, the approximate annual inflows for protected areas management, including revenues from the Government of Jamaica, are US$6.4 million, leaving a shortfall of US $2 million required per annum.

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